“And suddenly from heaven, there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them and a tongue rested on each of them.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. ”
(Acts of the Apostles 2:2-4a)
Confirmation completes the Sacrament of Baptism and “seals” those who are baptized with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation deepens our life in Christ Jesus begun in Baptism and unites us more closely as living witnesses to Christ and Christ’s mission in the world.
The Gift of the Spirit in Confirmation is bestowed by the laying on of hands and anointing with chrism accompanied by prayer. All baptized persons can and should be confirmed.
We need a copy of the certificate of baptism and first communion.
Confirmation preparation is a consecutive 2-year process in our Archdiocese Galveston-Houston.The first year may be completed through a parish's faith formation program (Confirmation Year 1) or through studying theology at a Catholic high school. The second year must be completed at your parish.
Confirmation classes are held every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:45 pm.
Many parents have asked about Mass Attendance for children preparing for Sacraments this
school year. The “Sunday Obligation” is that all baptized Catholics should attend Mass every
Sunday. When a student is preparing to receive a sacrament, we will check to see if they are
attending Mass.
Attendance is mandatory to receive the sacrament of confirmation. It is important that your
child attends classes each Wednesday. This sacrament is to endow a participant with the power
of the Holy Spirit in order to go out into the world to proclaim Christ with Boldness. What your
child will learn each Wednesday will help them live a good Christian life. Your Child cannot have
more than 3 absences. After the 3 absences, you will receive a call from the Confirmation
Coordinator who will determine how a student will proceed in the confirmation course.
Adult confirmation program requirements:
We need a copy of the certificate of baptism and first communion.
Confirmation preparation takes place in the Fall and Spring. You must first register by completing the form linked below. Classes are held every Friday from 7:00pm - 8:30pm at the Fiorenza Center. 2317 Craigmont Street Houston Texas 77075
Attendance: This is a crucial part of the training. absent, please notify us in advance by calling during office hours. After 3 absences. After 3 consecutive absences, we will assume that you will no longer participate and you will be dropped.
Sponsor Requirements & Expectations:
These requirements flow from the above understanding of the Sacraments and roles of sponsors as outlined in the Code of Canon law. Sponsors must be
Parents with children or Adult who have never received Confirmation and are interested in preparing them to receive the sacrament should contact Rubi Gomez at 713-921-6127 or email to oec@qophouston.com