Adult Sacramental Preparation through For the RCIA process

those Adults in need of:

  • All Sacraments of Initiation ( Baptism, First Communion & Confirmation)
  • Adults baptized in a different Religion.
  • Baptized Adults that have not received First Communion.
  • Baptized Adults that have received First Communion But are NOT Confirmed.





The Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which prospective Catholics unite with the faith community for the conversion of hearts. Generally, RCIA is for individuals who were never baptized or were baptized outside of the Catholic Church. Parish staff and volunteers welcome and initiate newcomers through a program of liturgical, educational, and social events throughout the year.


The RCIA process consists of four stages which include the Precatechumenate, the Catechumenate, Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogy


The Precatechumenate period occurs throughout the liturgical year and consists of an individual’s inquiry about the Catholic faith. It is through prayer and reflection that an individual considers entry into the Catechumenate stage.


The Catechumenate period is a more intense time of preparation. The Catechumen or candidate learns more fully the Church’s teachings and how the gospel message transforms the believer’s actions.


Purification and Enlightenment enables the person to reflect on the areas of their own life that need to be conformed to the truth of Christ.


Mystagogy occurs during the Easter Season and involves the new members discussing and celebrating the mysteries of the sacramental life.


You must register first to attend.

First sections of the school year

  • Interview
  • Have ongoing meetings
  • Require good attendance in class
  • Students are asked to participate in two retreats during the two years of the formation process and are required to attend these retreats.

Second sections of the school year


  • Students who have shown growth and readiness to continue move on to the sacramental
  • preparation year.
  • Those students who have had poor attendance and have not demonstrated readiness to
  • continue will repeat the inquiry phase.
  • Catechumenate lessons begin. On the first Sunday of Advent, they will be presented to the
  • community and become catechumens.
  • They will have a retreat for all those preparing for the Easter sacraments.
  • They will also participate in the three scrutinies. They receive the sacraments of initiation at the
  • Easter Vigil. They continue to attend classes for another month with the Mystagogue lessons.


Se les entregara una Biblia y el Catesismo de la Iglesia Catolica que deben de traer durante las
clases. /They will be given a Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to bring to class.

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